WoG- World of Giblets

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Random Dungeon should be called Random Crazies

Tonight was full of epicness, some good and some was just shameful. To start the night I logged in on my druid in order to get to level 15. First quest I went to do and I got a ninja invite from someone nearby. Apparently they were on the same quest as myself and wanted to see if I would join them so we could help each other. So I join up with them and I’m running around in bear form while they were in caster form. So I didn’t pay too much attention to my health figuring they would watch it. A few minutes later and I was dead. Oh well, you live and learn.

Fast forward to level 15 and I immediately join lfg for anything I can do which happens to be RFC, Deadmines, and WC. So anyways I jump in lfg as either healer or dps since I didn’t feel comfortable tanking with no aoe tank abilities. Seconds later Deadmines pops up saying I’m going to be the healer. I think to myself “Sweet! Deadmines should be challenging at level 15.” So we all get zoned in and buffed up, a minute later a dps leaves. No big deal, we replace him. Then another dps leaves. We replace him and continue. And another leaves, so we replace him. Finally get to the first boss and down him. Shortly after the tank leaves. This continues for the rest of the instance. Why? Your guess would be as good as mine, the only person to die was myself and that wasn’t until we reached the boss right as you get on the boat. Then I died again because of a pat while trying to get back to the group. Meanwhile our tank leaves. As I’m running back a second time I get ambushed yet again by the pat, but due to a bit of luck we got a replacement tank and he zoned in right in time to save my butt. I think we had one more dps leave between the boss at the ramp to the boat and the final two at the top but I can’t remember at this point. Long story short we could have filled 3/5 of a 25 man raid with the number of people who cycled through our group; 15 people from start to finish. That’s pretty idiotic if you ask me. But I can’t complain too much since I got 85% of a level in one run.

So I rejoin LFG and get RFC, not as bad as before but still had more than one person replaced. Had two tanks (one in RFC and one in WC) that decided they could tank with big 2h swords (both warriors). When I asked the one in RFC if he had a shield I got a “lol” which was a slight bit annoying but w/e. The guy in WC hearthed out and either bought one or had one in his bank, so at least he fixed my only issue. At one point I had a tank running around with a 2h sword and a dps running around with a sword and board. This got me curious so I looked at their talents. The tank was a fury warrior using a 2h sword (don’t fury warriors usually dual wield?) and the one with the sword and board was an Arms warrior.

So here is my question for tonight:

1. When making a new class how many people actually consider the roles they can fill and make sure they at least have the basic gear needed to fill said roles when joining lfg?
Now I’m not saying your gear has to be perfect but if you are say a ret pally and you queue for a random dungeon as dps and a tank, make sure you have a shield and a weapon to go with it. Likewise for dps that queue as healers, if you are going to do it make sure you have healing gear. Now I don’t expect it to be nearly as good as your gear for your preferred role, but signing up as a tank and not having a shield (for classes that use them) isn’t being fair to your party. Just like (using me as an example) a feral druid trying to heal, they need to make sure that they have some gear with +int so that they can keep going on a bad pull. And no a bad pull is not when you keep letting runners go pull the next group and on and on.

March 25, 2010 Posted by | Uncategorized | 1 Comment